The prestigious Jack Welch (General Electric) wrote a quote that said "Change before you have to".

GP-RACE's DNA is based on continuous improvement, managing to do things a little better today than yesterday, thus managing to change faster than our environment and thus maintaining our competitiveness.

On the other hand, we maintain our founding values as an independent family business, and with an obsession for serving our Customers the best products in the world of racing and environmentally sustainable.

To achieve this we rely on constant development, years after years of our own technology. An example of this is the R7 seat (the lightest on the market). After years of manufacturing development and constant improvement, the prestigious A9 arrives, with sound technology integrated into the seat.

Welch himself said “If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete”.

At GP-RACE we have developed 3 key sustainable competitive advantages:

  1. Customized. Each client is unique and the best way to satisfy him is to manufacture the product tailored to his needs and tastes. Our products are made to suit each client, with the same efficiency when it comes to producing large batches.
  2. Short delivery time. So that our Clients can enjoy them as soon as possible, we have managed to be the fastest manufacturer in Europe in our category, and we are capable of producing customized products in record time.
  3. Gp Race is green. Manufacturing in southern Europe is a privilege, but it cannot be done in any way. For this reason, since our beginnings, we have worked hard to be able to competitively and sustainably manufacture the safest and greenest products in the segment.

And all this is based on the people who make up Gp Race today, on those who have already shaped our history and on a large network of Clients, Partners, Collaborators and Suppliers who trust us, without whom it would not be possible to remain faithful to our values for so many years.

Thank you very much for being part of our values and for allowing us to accompany you on a day-to-day basis..

Marc Labarta, CEO